Course Features

  • Desktop and Mobile

    All Chaplains Collective courses are desktop and mobile friendly. Videos will play on all devices. You may start or finish each course on any platform.

  • At Your Pace

    Once enrolled in a course you have an unlimited amount of time to complete the sessions. You may revisit the course at any time, even after it is completed.

  • Videos and Notes

    Each course consists of a short free trial preview of session content. All courses contain studio quality training videos and downloadable PDF notes.

Course curriculum


You may start and finish at anytime! Each purchased course will be available in your student dashboard.

Finance Impacts Ministry

Gain a new perspective on money and be free to move as the Lord leads in your life and ministry.

Get started now


  • Rev. Jeff Myers


    Rev. Jeff Myers

    Jeff Myers is an ordained minister and founding member of the Chaplains Collective. Jeff is a corporate and motorsports chaplain serving many professional racing communities. Jeff, his wife Brooke, and children Olivia, Jay, and Patricia are based out of central Tennessee.